Private Pages

Status and IT communication for your employees

For internal eyes only

IT communication through mass emails no longer cuts it when you're running services for hundreds or thousands of employees. Give employees one source of truth and let them opt-into relevant notifications. Hook your private page up to SSO, automate away with your monitoring tools, and never reply to a "what's the status" email again.

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Say goodbye to duplicate IT tickets

Our Jira Service Desk integration let's you display real-time status information at the top of your service desk portal. Affected employees will know you are already on top of resolving the issue before filing a ticket.

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Keeping your company informed

Pipe status updates into Slack to keep engineering, IT, and Ops teams on the same page as they work to resolve the incident at hand. Integrate your page with tools like VictorOps, PagerDuty, OpsGenie, and xMatters to automate your IT communicaton. 

Create your status page today