Downtime happens.
HugOps helps.

HugOps is a movement to show support and empathy for the humans that work hard to keep your favorite services up and running. Help spread the HugOps love!

Downtime happens.
HugOps helps.

HugOps is a movement to show support and empathy for the humans that work hard to keep your favorite services up and running. Help spread the HugOps love!

503 website outage downtime image
support your support and ops teams
website bugs
mean tweets twitter PSA
be kind during downtime and outages
be prepared for downtime and incidents
uptime lights on keep your customers out of the dark
downtime incident management

Tweet one of the images above, get a free HugOps poster!

HugOps Around The World

Tweet @Statuspage to tell us the city you’re sending HugOps from, and we'll send over a HugOps poster to hang in your workspace (just like the ones shown on the map). Make sure to include #HugOpsAroundTheWorld!

HugOps Hall of Fame

Use the HugOps hashtag for a chance to be featured.

Celebrate your favorite services

Show appreciation for the teams behind your favorite services. Write your message, tag the recipients, and leave the pre-filled hashtags for a chance to be featured in the HugOps Hall of Fame.

Stories & tips from the trenches

Find inspiration in stories and pro-tips from real incident response teams, then share your own below for a free poster.

"I was paged about a broken email service when riding my motorbike to my cabin. One of the affected clients bought me a selection of craft beer as a thank you...It made me smile. I always try and think of this when I’m on rotation."

Simon Vaarning

CTO, QuenchTec

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“Don't panic. If you don't know exactly where to assist the team, try to serve those under heavy rain with coffee, tea, or anything that hugs the soul."

Lucas Demoura

Cloud Team, Solitus

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"Update stakeholders diplomatically to avoid unwanted noise and to help maintain the proper environment to manage an incident."

Alana Fernando

QA Analyst, MillenniumIT

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"Make sure incident comms are written clearly and in layman's terms. Users shouldn't have to be product experts to understand the situation."

Cassie Gamm

Senior Support Engineer, Mixpanel 

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"An outage at AWS S3 severely impacted our backend. Most of our engineering team left a company offsite to help me. It was great to see them online so quickly...It made me feel like we were embracing a key facet of the DevOps philosophy, as our developers were involved just as much as our operations team in finding resolution."

Garret Pick

Senior DevOps Engineer, Whistle Labs

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“Stay calm, stay together."

Mat Mannion

Web Development, University of Warwick

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Share an incident story or tip, get a poster!

Share your best story and/or incident response tip and we'll mail you a free HugOps poster to proudly display in your workspace.

Incident Response teams at their best


At Mixpanel, Support team members are on the on-call list right beside their engineering counterparts so they can start updating users as soon a issue is detected.


Ops teams at Grand Rounds rely on each other down in the incident trenches, and have a deep sense of camaraderie because of it.


Front keeps transparency at the forefront of their incident response process with a handy product integration and a solid post-incident review process.

Recommended Resources

Atlassian Team Playbook: Incident response game plan

Get your 'sheet' together: How to create an incident communication plan

Uniting technical and non-technical teams for better incident response